Uniforms and EquipmentProbably the most important part of the living historian's "kit" is his uniforms and gear. Though plenty of original equipment still exists, the historical value has increased over the last 10 years. We encourage personnel to purchase quality reproduction uniforms and equipment through a number of recommended vendors (see list below).
For those who are looking to get into World War II living history as an Airborne Paratrooper, members of our organization have worked with key 101st Airborne historians to develop comprehensively accurate uniform and equipment check lists specific to the 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment. This will help get you started but keep in mind, not all of these items are required to begin your participation and you should get in touch with us before you make any purchases. Building on your impression over time is part of the enjoyment of living history. Use the navigation above to visit our new information documents on Baker Company uniforms and equipment during specific time periods during World War II, or click the links below. These documents include many photo and video resources! OPERATION OVERLORD Normandy, France June 6th 1944 (D-Day) - August 30th 1944 OPERATION MARKET GARDEN Eindhoven, Netherlands September 17th - 27th 1944 BATTLE OF THE BULGE Bastogne, Belgium December 16th 1944 - January 28th 1945 Recommended VendorsWhat's for Chow ?The field meals for the World War II soldier are as iconic as the uniform itself. Millions of meals were produced as part of the war effort and part of the fun of doing the impression is creating the K-Ration meals from the instructional downloads below including labels for the infamous SPAM (Satan Posing As Meat).
ResearchThe key to doing living history right is knowing your subject inside and out. Members of Baker Company not only do their research on the Airborne Paratrooper, but the drill and tactics used in small unit operations. Our personnel "train like we fight and fight like we train" to make sure that our representation honors those who served. But remember, there is always something to learn
The following documents are recommended reading for all members of our organization. ![]()